Advances in caculator housing

Exciting New Enhancements to Our Calculator Case!

Hey everyone!

We’ve got some thrilling updates to share about our open-source classic calculator project. We’ve been hard at work making the case better than ever, and we can’t wait to show you what’s new.

new details ...

Lateral Grips for a Better Hold

First up, we’ve added some awesome grips on the sides of the case. These aren’t just for show – they make holding the calculator super comfy and secure. Whether you’re crunching numbers for hours or just carrying it around, these grips keep it firmly in your hand. No more accidental drops!

Sleek, Slim Profile with a Subtle Tilt

Next, we’ve streamlined the case to be even more compact. It now features a subtle tilt, making it thinner at the bottom. This ergonomic design makes it even more comfortable to hold and use, giving it a sleek, modern look. It’s the perfect blend of style and functionality.

Classic HP Inspiration with a Modern Twist

Our design still pays homage to the legendary HP42, HP48, and HP50 calculators that so many of us love. But we’ve given it a fresh, contemporary vibe. Think smooth curves and a polished finish – it’s the classic you adore, but reimagined for today.

thinner at the bottom

High-Quality 3D Printed Case

We’re using state-of-the-art SLA 3D printing technology and a special ABS-like resin to create the case. This means a professional-quality finish and durability you can rely on. The material is tough enough to handle daily use while keeping that polished, premium feel.

Customization and Community Collaboration

Just like everything else in this project, the case design is open-source. You can download the design files for free and tweak them to your heart’s content. We love seeing your creative spins on our work, so don’t hesitate to share your custom designs with the community.

Stay tuned for more updates – we’re just getting started! We can’t wait to see how you’ll make this calculator your own. Thanks for being part of this amazing journey with us!